Why Do I Need A Special Education Advocate or Consultant?

Schools can become a hostile environment for children with special needs or disabilities. The ignorance and lack of understanding from many teachers, as well as other school authorities on the real reason why these kids fall behind in class, can have a profound negative impact on both the children and their families.

Those situations can leave a huge burden, as well as feelings of isolation, helplessness, and complete loneliness because of the constant battle against a school system that is not well suited to accommodate their individual needs. That’s why having the input and support from a Special Education Consultant can be invaluable in guiding parents through what can be an overwhelming experience in public school setting (charter schools are public schools).

Better Training and Experience Special Needs Advocates/ Consultants should have:

● Education degrees and experience in the public school system
● Specialized training in special education
● Working knowledge of both the federal and state laws relating to special education
● The ability to collaborate and negotiate with school-based portion of the team

Constant Support and Assessment While it’s a long-term goal that most children learn to advocate for themselves, until they are ready to do so, it falls on the parents and those they hire for support to provide advocacy to ensure the provision of a FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education) to the learner.

A Special Education Advocate/Consultant will guide you in every step of the way through the process of gaining appropriate supports for your child.
Why Choose Laura as An Advocate? Her extensive training and experience as a teacher, mother, and special education director includes;

● NAU Bachelor of Science in Elementary and Special Education with emphasis in Emotional Disabilities,1993
● NAU Master of Education in Counseling and Human Relations, with Honors, 2011
● PTSO President at local elementary school, 2012
● Not My Kid, co facilitator of Workshops for Youth and Family, 2003-present
● 3TV Mom Squad, 2013-2015 ● 3TV Educational Consultant on Your Life A to Z (Laura’s Learning Link) 2014-2017
● Member of COPAA (Council of Parents, Advocates and Attorneys)
● Expert witness in Special Education related court cases
● Professional Development presenter for school districts.

The special education process can be overwhelming for even the most educated and involved parents. AZ Educational Advocates is here to answer all your questions. If you have any doubts, please call us at 623-512-8514 or contact us . We are here for you.